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An Investment with Unlimited Reward Potential

by | Oct 13, 2018 | Investing, Options to Divorce

Marriage Coaching

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The Dow Jones Industrial Average lost nearly 1800 points in the last two weeks causing a lot of people to rethink their investments. Suppose someone shared with you an investment secret that generated an extra $10,000-$30,000 each year. It is not illegal. It is not a multi-level marketing plan. It does not require expensive education or training or even a certification. It is an investment opportunity which requires almost no money down and offers unlimited rewards. And, it can be reproduced over and over again. In fact, almost anyone can participate, and everyone who does is guaranteed to benefit. Does this sound too good to be true? Keep reading. In just a few sentences I will share with you the secret to this success, but now that I have your attention, I would like to take a moment and discuss the devastating impact that divorce has on a family and community.

Did you know that divorces contribute to an estimated loss of $112 billion to American tax payers each year? [1] The median household net worth for divorced individuals is approximately $65,000 less than for married couples. [2] Just to get a divorce in Washington state costs an average of $10,000-$20,000. [3] After divorce, the mean family income for single mothers is $27,000 less each year than for married parents raising children together. [4] These numbers don’t even take into consideration the devastating cost of divorce on children. Children from single-parent homes are more likely to grow up in poverty, drop out of school, and experience a lower quality of life. [5]

So, what is that investment opportunity with unlimited rewards? You might have already guessed it (cue the drum roll)…invest in your marriage. Wouldn’t you rather be happily married than unhappily divorced? What about your children? What kind of legacy do you want to leave them? I’m willing to bet that investing in your marriage will be the greatest investment you ever make. Now, you have a choice to make. What will you do with this information? I hope you will share it with every married friend you have. Your community needs you.

End Notes:
1. Scafidi, B. 2008. “The Taxpayer Costs of Divorce and Unwed Childbearing.” Institute for American Values.
2. Turvey, M. and Olson, D. 2006. “Marriage & Family Wellness: Corporate America’s Business?”
4. Teachman, J. and Paasch, K. Spring 1994. “Financial Impact of Divorce on Children and Their Families.” Children and Divorce. Vol. 4, No. 1.
5. Turvey, M. and Olson, D. 2006. “Marriage & Family Wellness: Corporate America’s Business?”


MarriageTeam is a nondenominational, nonprofit, religious-based social agency (RCW § 26.04.010). It was created to strengthen marriages and equip Christian husbands and wives for service as marriage coaches. Our specific purpose is to improve marriages through coaching consistent with biblical principles for the marriage of one man and one woman. Together as a team, husbands and wives serve as coaches as a form of lifestyle evangelism to draw others closer to Jesus Christ.

To learn more about MarriageTeam Coaching




MarriageTeam is a nondenominational, nonprofit, religious-based social agency (RCW § 26.04.010). It was created to strengthen marriages and equip Christian husbands and wives for service as marriage coaches. Our specific purpose is to improve marriages through coaching consistent with biblical principles for the marriage of one man and one woman. Together as a team, husbands and wives serve as coaches as a form of lifestyle evangelism to draw others closer to Jesus Christ.

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