Bitterness in Marriage
Bitterness in marriage is a harmful emotion that can poison the relationship and erode love and respect between spouses. Bitterness is caused by holding grudges and refusing to forgive each other for past hurts, whether big or small. Bitterness can lead to long-standing anger and resentment, which over time will damage the communication and intimacy in the marriage. Bitterness can also prevent spouses from enjoying the present and appreciating each other’s positive qualities. It is said that bitterness keeps you locked in a time and place of someone else’s choosing. Who wants to be locked up to the past?
Bitterness makes spouses feel unhappy, depressed, anxious, and isolated. Bitterness can also affect the spiritual health of the marriage, as it goes against the biblical command to forgive as God has forgiven us. Therefore, bitterness should be avoided and resolved as soon as possible, by seeking God’s help, expressing feelings honestly, listening empathetically, and extending grace and mercy to each other. While this is easily said, we all at times have struggled with applying it in our relationships and marriage. Most of us want to work through our bitterness, but we just don’t know how. There is a process that involves reframing our thinking so that we can move forward. MarriageTeam specifically addresses bitterness and helps couples communicate more effectively and work through bitterness.