
Nearly 2 in 3 Divorced Spouses Say This Could Have Saved Their Marriage

by | Sep 29, 2023 | Divorce


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Nearly 2 in 3 Divorced Spouses Say This Could Have Saved Their Marriage

A recent Forbes Advisory survey of 1,000 Americans who are newly single or in the process of splitting up found that 63% believe a “better understanding of the commitments of marriage prior to marrying” could have saved their union.

  • Lack of compatibility is the top reason for new couples to divorce, with 59% of couples who divorced in their first year citing this cause
  • The majority of divorces are initiated by only one party, with only 27% of respondents indicating the decision to end the marriage was mutual.
  • Most divorces happen between year three and year seven of marriage.

The good news is that some premarital coaching could make a huge difference in creating better understandings and increased compatibility. A huge break thru occurs when spouses realize they are on the same team;  have different playbooks from growing up; and their challenge is to create a common set of understandings about roles, responsibilities, expectations, communications, etc.  This creative approach to building a marriage that lasts can be accomplished with marriage coaching.  Marriage coaching simply helps couples create the agreements and mutual accountability for moving forward together.  It is a game changer!!

Reference: https://www.forbes.com/advisor/legal/divorce/common-causes-divorce/

To learn more about MarriageTeam Coaching

Al Ray

Al Ray

Al Ray is the co-founder of MarriageTeam, a non-profit that equips Christian couples as marriage coaches and provides marriage coaching services nationally and internationally. If you are interested in participating in this rewarding ministry that is 89% effective in turning couples away from divorce, check out the website, www.marriageteam.org.