What To Expect
Ready To Get Started
There are just 3 easy steps to get started:
- Complete intake application – each must submit an application.
We will follow up with you and each needs to sign an agreement form
- Make the payment – Or make arrangements for payments.
Married (married or premarital living together or previously married)
Premarital (not living together or previously married)
- Take a marital inventory – This will give your coaches a snapshot of your relationship.
What Happens Next?
Once you have completed these 3 steps you will be given a coach couple who will contact you to set uyp your first meeting. If the meeting will be on-line, MarriageTeam will mail you all your materials prior to your first session. If you have any questions during this process, please call the office (360) 450-6042 or email us at info@marriageteam.org.
Virtual Coaching (coaching via video conferencing)
Online coaching is available through convenient, real-time, face to face platforms. Since 2016, our evaluations have confirmed that our online coaching is as effective as in person coaching.