
Marriage, Family, Kids… oh my!

by | Aug 30, 2018 | Children, Communication, Marriage Coaching

Marriage Coaching

(Online & In-Person)

Marriage Coaching

Get started with couple to couple coaching that is personalized to focus on exactly what you need.

Premarital Coaching

Premarital Coaching

Premarital coaching and counseling both help couples appreciate one another’s differences while cultivating a lifetime of romance.

marriage family children

Family IS a TEAM journey!

Marriage, Family, and Children

Raising children who are secure. caring, organized, goal-oriented, and successful, requires parents to provide a stable environment. That’s not easy these days and it takes skill and intention.  Parents want their kids to experience a childhood filled with both love and bonding experiences.

This is a growing challenge today for busy parents, so the question is “how?” Well, here are a few keys:

  • Invest time in your marriage relationship.
  • Work together with your mate as a team.
  • Have weekly “family meetings” to build communication and openness with your spouse and kids. Even at a young age, it is powerful to create a family identity.
  • Make your child feel that they belong and they are part of a family team.  Tell them how and why they are loved, valued, seen, heard, and validate them often.
  • Try to recognize and avoid when you and/or your mate are split emotionally by kids or circumstances. Stay on the same team!
  • Address issues together when a child tends to play you against each other. “Mom said it’s ok…”

MarriageTeam Coaching has helped over 2000 couples strengthen their marriage and family relationships; coaching is good… no GRrreat for the whole family!  

Click here to learn more.

Here’s one child’s story that brings the above ideas full circle:

marriage family children

“When they would be arguing or fighting I’d wish that it would stop soon because I didn’t like hearing it. I would sit in my room and try to read or something to get my mind off it I was afraid that they were going to separate. One morning they came into my room and woke me up and said we’re going to MarriageTeam today. They started going like every week and I started noticing the change. They don’t fight like they used to. It makes me feel relieved. I think that it’s a really good thing and people who are having problems, married couples should try this because it’s a really good thing and it really makes a big difference. It helps the kids too.”



To learn more about MarriageTeam Coaching

Al Ray

Al Ray

Al Ray is the co-founder of MarriageTeam, a non-profit that equips Christian couples as marriage coaches and provides marriage coaching services nationally and internationally. If you are interested in participating in this rewarding ministry that is 89% effective in turning couples away from divorce, check out the website, www.marriageteam.org.