Luke’s Story: How Coaching Impacted His Marriage
“Our relationship had been tense at times, and...
MarriageTeam coach couples enrich and restore marriages
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Testimonials on Growing Closer
Couple coaching is a powerful tool for change. The following reviews and testimonials on growing closer and turning away from divorce are from couples at the conclusion of their coaching experience.
Our coaches always took a moment to dig deeper when a concern arose and open the floor for
conversation. They were genuine and caring and really invested in getting to know us and help
us any way we needed it. We loved our coaching experience and realized it’s much more
effective than standard counseling. Before coaching, we would have a hard time having difficult
conversations with one person shutting down and the other becoming resentful. We otherwise
had a positive and loving relationship. Through coaching we learned how to practice active
listening, there is less defensiveness, and we navigate tricky conversations more easily. It has
helped us have a clear understanding of what God expects from us in marriage. Selfless
commitment. The program is excellent!
We were hesitant or nervous going into coaching about relating with our coaches and the
awkwardness of being vulnerable with new people. We quickly became comfortable and felt at
ease discussing difficult topics with them. They opened up to us which allowed us to open up
and be vulnerable with them. Our relationship lacked communication and deep conversation.
We lacked empathy for one another before coaching. We got along for the most part but
disagreements were explosive and often. We now communicate much more and open up on
more than surface level. We have discussions and are able to approach things as a team instead
of individuals. We are closer together. We discuss topics instead of skirting around them. We
are better able to speak our minds and create plays to make our relationship better. There is more commitment to each other and we are able to love each other on a deeper level. We are
motivated now to have a spiritual relationship that involves our partner. We are putting God
first and are dedicated to nurturing our relationship with our savior. It has brought us a deeper
understanding of what God created marriage to be.
I There are things about my personality I really wanted to change but could not. I saw my
inclination to become so emotional, so quickly as a big problem in our marriage. Our coaches
helped me to see my personality as a gift to my husband. And they helped me to see that my
husband’s even-keeled personality as a gift for me to lean on when I need emotional stability.
We are more articulate about our feelings and needs to each other. The “I” statements are very
helpful in getting to solutions faster. I think our adult kids are glad we are taking our
relationship seriously. They have seen us struggle and I know it bothers them. So, this gives
them peace.
Our coaches made our premarital counseling feel personalized and truly equipped us for
embarking on the marriage journey together. This was a premarital counseling for my now
husband and me. We recognized the importance of not only preparing for the wedding day but
starting off the marriage on the right foot. This experience brought us even closer and we are
very happy we did it. In a time of wedding planning, it can be easy to lose sight of the
relationship. This helped to ground us. We now have better communication, problem solving
techniques, insights to the hidden pitfalls in marriage and how to prepare for them. This has
brought us closer to Christ individually and as a couple. This is important for us as we recognize
our faith as the bedrock of our relationship.
This was one of the best marriage resources I’ve experienced. It provided real and practical
tools to use to ensure a healthy marriage. We just needed to commit to doing the work. Our
coaches were amazing and I feel a perfect fit for us. Our relationship was rocky before coaching.
We did not have the specific tools to use and now we do.
The entire experience was a learning curve for both my spouse and me. We learned that we
need to be more aware and accepting of each other’s needs, so that resentment and negativity
would not continue to build up. Prior to coaching, we barely spoke to each other.
Intimate/partner communication between us was non-existent. It exceeded our expectations
for sure! It helped us to hear and understand each other better and we are closer. This has had
a positive impact on all of our family. As a result, there are barely any arguments/conflicts
around our children and our daughters proudly talk about us working together to make our
relationship stronger. This experience has taught all of us that communication and patience are
keys to healthy relationships.
We had separated before coaching and I felt very hopeless about our marriage improving. It was very helpful to learn how to talk through issues and get past just saying we were angry and really getting to the deeper emotions. We have been able to be honest about our feelings and talk through situations like we haven’t been able to in the past. We are no longer considering divorce.
The tools learned in coaching were better than I expected. We were on the verge of ending our relationship. Since learning to communicate more effectively, we’ve decided not to divorce.
We had been in constant misery and anger and were considering divorce. I was worried at first about talking to strangers, but it was easier than I thought. I feel like the tools given to us were great! We have been able to discuss things I never thought I would be able to discuss with my husband. Our marriage has improved so much, we have decided NOT to divorce.
Our relationship was becoming bitter. We misread each other’s hearts. We blamed each other a lot. We began to avoid emotional intimacy. Our coaches were strong enough for our strong personalities. They had amazing insight into our responses and needs. They were kind without enabling any dysfunction. Coaching was fabulous, painful, enlightening, challenging, worthwhile, motivating and life changing. She cares about my feelings and is learning to listen better. I am trying to give her the benefit of the doubt and not judge her heart and motives. We have made huge changes by making a life plan and setting goals!
There were some very difficult issues we needed to work through. Though it was painful, it was very necessary. We have come through this process and are in a much better place. We now communicate better. We enjoy our time together. My husband is much more loving toward me.
Our coaches were really good listeners and understood how to guide us in the right direction. I had been considering asking to separate. I did not believe that this could make the big changes for us that it did. I now have a belief that we can make it work. We have much better communication and the ability to work through problems.
This took a 12+ year marriage from bad to good. Things turned around faster than I thought they could. I really enjoyed our coaches. They had a lot of insight and were very understanding of our situation. I have learned how to better communicate with my wife and our spiritual connection is much stronger.
Coaching exceeded our expectations! We’ve been to counselors before but haven’t had lasting results. With MarriageTeam, our coaches were able to give us the tools for now and the future. They were able to tailor our sessions to our needs. They used personal examples and expanded on areas where we needed the most help!
The coaches were knowledgeable and provided insight into their marriage and how they worked through difficulties. Our marriage was on the rocks. We were struggling with communication and dealing with life’s problems. We have brought intimacy back into our marriage. Our communication is improving and our happiness is at a high note.
I was surprised that the coaches didn’t try to fix our issues. They taught us how to communicate so we could fix them ourselves now and in the future. We had talked many times about divorce, and a good day was when we didn’t fight. Now, we talk and enjoy each other’s company again.
I thought this coaching process was just going to be about how bad I am. It turned out to show where I need to make adjustments and improvements. I found it to be very good! We communicate much more clearly and listen to each other with more focus now.
I was nervous about sharing intimate details of our marriage with two people that weren’t licensed counselors. However, this was quickly overcome with the flow of the program and the great benefits learned. Our relationship had been volatile and tenuous. We had a lot of band-aid fixes to our marriage problems but the wounds would often be reopened and we didn’t know how to fix them. It felt so good to walk out of each session with tools that could be immediately implemented. We walked away from the first session with the most hope we’ve ever had for a successful marriage. We now have strong and effective communication tools and finally a method to diffuse anger in our marriage. We have hope for a wonderful marriage!